Real wedding in Orvieto
Client Names: Erik & Jesse
Wedding Date: September 19th, 2009
Ceremony Location: The Old Theatre in Orvieto, Teatro Mancinelli, Orvieto, Italy
Reception Location: A private villa close to Orvieto
Wedding Photographer: Edoardo Agresti, Florence Wedding Photographer

Il Teatro Mancinelli in Orvieto as a location for the civil cerimony
Wedding Description
I took photos at this wedding last September. The couple did not ever realize when I was shooting. My style is photojournalistic and you can see it through my images. No poses – just some formal pictures with friends and parents if the couple want – but candid and spontaneous shots.
There were 30 guests at the wedding which gave it a real intimate atmosphere. They rented 10 old cars, FIAT 500s, in different colours and they drove by themselves. It was funny because these people were used to driving cars with automatic transmissions and it’s not so easy to drive with a manual stick shift, especially on an old car!!!!
For the ceremony location, they chose the old theater of Orvieto (we are in Italy about 2 hours from Florence and 1 hour from Rome), that is located in the center of the town. They got in married in a civil ceremony celebrated by the mayor of the town.
At the beginning it was a bit of a rainy day. As a photojournalistic style photographer I used the rain to catch nice moments with coloured umbrellas, and also as we were walking in the narrow street of Orvieto with guests, parents and friends. In the main square, just in front of the cathedral, they had parked the old 500s. Great pictures.
The weather turned beautiful with a fantastic light. We arrived at the private villa where I continued to shot in a candid way, in the garden, at blue time, with the fantastic effect of the balloons flying in the dark sky.
They did not have any first dance, instead they just enjoyed listening to relaxing music and drinking a good limoncello.
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Shishka" rel="external nofollow">Shishka 4 Febbraio 2010 at 18:40
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Enrico" rel="external nofollow">Enrico 8 Aprile 2010 at 08:18
Le foto sono assolutamente meravigliose. Purtroppo non si vedono spesso blog di fotografi italiani a questo livello, spero di vedere presto altri post come questo!
Edoardo 8 Aprile 2010 at 13:32
Grazie Enrico, sono proprio contento che ti piacciano le mie foto!!!!
Diego shyba 10 Agosto 2010 at 20:44
Ciao dallo studio che abbiamo fotoM Stiamo facendo un viaggio in Italia per fare qualche foto matrimonio Congratulazioni simili sul vostro ottimo lavoro che sta facendo, dopo uno sguardo al nostro sito brasiliano.
Diego shyba" rel="external nofollow">Diego shyba 15 Ottobre 2010 at 19:09
Congratulazioni per il vostro bellissime immagini che hanno fatto … Siamo in Brasile ci sono stati in Europa il mese scorso … Guarda le foto che ho fatto
Edoardo 25 Ottobre 2010 at 19:38
Ok Diego, ci dò un occhio… Grazie per i complimenti!!!!