Siddhi e Patrick, la bellezza indiana incontra l’uomo latino (at the end the english text)
Immersi nella splendida cornice di Borgo Corsignano nella campagna Toscana e nel cuore del Casentino, luoghi non conosciuti dal turismo di massa e per questo ricchi ancora di fascino e mistero, si sono sposati Siddhi e Patrick. Hanno voluto concentrare in un unico posto preparazione, cerimonia e festa che hanno condiviso con parenti e amici giunti un po’ da tutte le parti del mondo. Siddhi si è sposata in un abito tradizione indiano, ricco di colori e adornato da splendidi gioielli di tipico taglio orientale. L’acconciatura non molto complessa ha decisamente valorizzato i tratti dolci della sua bellezza pulita. Le mani e i piedi dipinti con il rituale Mehndi, al quale la futura sposa si sottopone la sera prima delle nozze. A questo rituale sono invitate le amiche più care e le donne più vicine alle famiglie, che si fanno decorare mani e piedi con tatuaggi fatti con l’hennè.
[Alcuni scatti del giorno prima]:
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I disegni più elaborati, da cui prende il nome la festa, sono naturalmente dedicati alla sposa, e sembrano dei raffinati merletti, che possono arrivare a ricoprire anche quasi tutto il corpo. Sempre nella giornata che precede il matrimonio, vengono celebrati i rituali legati alla tradizione del matrimonio indiano e la festa del Sangeet con balli e musiche in stile Bollywood.
Patrick, lo sposo, con una preparazione molto più semplice, ha optato per classico abito scuro con una cravatta violetta per dare un tocco di colore all’insieme.
La cerimonia ha seguito, nella sua fase iniziale, parte della tradizione indiana con il Baarat – con l’eccezione del cavallo bianco – la processione dei parenti, familiari e amici con cui, in genere, lo sposo raggiunge la sposa il giorno della nozze. Il padre della sposa concede sua figlia e ha inizio lo scambio delle ghirlande di fiori a suggellare il matrimonio. La cerimonia ha seguito poi l’accensione delle candele in una sorta di benedizione più di taglio occidentale.
Dopodiché è partita la festa. Canti, balli, giochi tra amici in un misto di musica indiana e pop occidentale. La serata si è conclusa con il lancio delle lanterne. Un matrimonio dove la gioia, i sorrisi e la voglia di stare insieme ha fatto da colonna sonora a tutta la giornata.
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Siddhi (the bride) talks about her wedding day
Our wedding took place at Borgo Corsignano, in Poppi from July 4th – 6th, 2014, with around 110 friends and family members. Over the preceding week, our family and friends trickled in from all over the world (Italy, Germany, the US, India, the UK, Singapore, France), so by the weekend, we had already had a lovely few days of reconnecting with family and spending relaxing times together.
The wedding weekend events kicked off on Friday night with a “Sangeet”. This is a traditional Indian wedding event, where the guests entertain each other with song and dance. We had a few family members and friends sing romantic Indian songs. Our guests prepared dances choreographed to Bollywood songs, and we had dances by my friends, my cousins, my mom and her friends, the little ones, and even Patrick’s friends and family performed a Bollywood number!
The next day was the big day! After a leisurely morning, and an afternoon spent around the pool, we started getting ready in the late afternoon. My mom, friends, sister, mom’s friends gathered in my room to help me with my clothes and jewelry. I took a quiet moment just before the ceremony to review my vows, and then it was time!
There were too many moments to really describe, but some highlights for me were when Patrick approached in the Baraat. I hid behind the bend with my sister and girlfriends while he approached with his whole party, playing music, and was greeted by my mom. He and I saw each other for the first time when we exchanged garlands. I loved seeing him – it was a beautiful moment that I will always remember. I loved our ceremony. We created it ourselves, and Patrick and I were able to make heartfelt promises to each other in our own words. The outdoor setting near the church, the flowers, the flower girls, and the mandap that my dad helped to make, and our sisters standing by us… so many little parts that made it feel perfect.
At the Aperitivo, Patrick’s cousins, who are musicians and gave us the gift of performing, played a whole set of fun Italian songs, and had half the party singing along! I changed my clothes, and by the time I joined Patrick at the reception, an impromptu dance party had erupted led by Patrick’s dad! Patrick gave me a glass of champagne, and my heart felt so full as I looked around, just watching so many people I love having such a wonderful time together.
The speeches from our parents and siblings were so moving, and the “newly wed games” led by Patrick’s wonderful friends led to so much laughter, followed by a slideshow of photos of us that made everyone tear up.
His brother and sister brought out lanterns, and Patrick and I lit one which flew away together, followed by many others creating a beautiful trail in the sky. And then came the cake and champagne – it was just one beautiful moment after another!
After this, we went near the pool, and started an epic party with our DJ, and late night desserts. He had us dancing until 5 in the morning, when we all ended up in the pool… even my 4-year-old niece stayed on the dance floor, dancing with us into the night! Some guests ran directly to the airport, while the rest fell into bed! One aspect of the wedding that I loved was how relaxed it felt for me, how much FUN I had throughout the day and week, and how present Patrick and I got to be with our friends and family. It was the best day of my life so far, full of happiness, glee, love, laughter, and celebration.
Fotografie by: EAStudio con Sergio Buonaiuti e Valerio Paterni
Video Service by: Stefano Milaneschi Films
Selezione e post produzione: curata personalmente da Edoardo Agresti
Celebrante: Sofia Taquini by TuscanPledges