Noora e Stephan, il fascino arabo e la tradizione nordica

photographer, fotografo, wedding, firenze, florence, tuscany, toscana

Uno scatto all’infrarosso nel giardino all’italiana della Villa di Maiano in Firenze

Noora e Stephan due nomi che identificano due paesi agli antipodi per tradizioni, per modo di vestire, per cultura, per clima: da Dubai, la perla degli Emirati arabi alla Germania, nella fredda Europa del Nord. Un matrimonio curioso, ma ricco di fascino e di tradizioni inconsuete, almeno per me, come il rito dell’incenso.

photographer, fotografo, wedding, firenze, florence, tuscany, toscana

Preparazione della sposa in uno degli appartamenti della Fattoria di Maiano

photographer, fotografo, wedding, firenze, florence, tuscany, toscana

Il rito dell’incenso, tipica tradizione araba

E’ stato molto bello incontrare gli sguardi delle donne orientali splendidamente truccate dalle bravissime GiuliaLara, rimanere colpiti dagli abiti ricchi di veli che talvolta incorniciavano il volto di ovali arabi, respirare il profumo di spezie che si diffondeva nell’aria. Molto più composti gli ospiti tedeschi che già 10 minuti prima della cerimonia avevano preso posto nella affascinante sala delle carrozze della Villa di Maiano in Fiesole magistralmente addobbata da Simona di Floralia.

Un rito breve dove l’incenso aveva creato una leggera nebbiolina profumata. Lo scambio delle promesse e ci spostiamo all’interno della Villa, nel giardino all’italiana. Il tempo che prometteva acqua ci concede una breve pausa. I colori, le luci, le colline che circondano la villa sono morbidi, velati e ben si adattano ad una fotografia postprodotta con un leggero viraggio seppia, un dolce colore ambrato che ricorda le terre di origine della sposa. Degli scatti tra il classico e il racconto, un mix di attimi fermati e composte ambientazioni. Qualcosa che documenta il giorno cercando, nell’eleganza dei tagli, di coniugare la mia visione di una fotografia reportagistica con l’idea più impostata delle famiglie degli sposi.

photographer, fotografo, wedding, firenze, florence, tuscany, toscana

Camminata nella terrazza della Villa in uno scatto all’infrarosso

Il matrimonio continua. Ci si sposta nelle sale interne dove il Galateo, che si è occupato del catering, distribuisce aperitivi della tradizione toscana e prosegue con una cena degna dei migliori chef stellati. Open bar e balli a partire dalle 23. Su tutta la giornata l’occhio vigile di Claudia, della Regency, coordina con competenza e professionalità i fornitori e le esigenze degli sposi.

The bride describes her ‘Big Day’

Almost every little girl dreams of a fairytale wedding and I was definitely one of them!  However, over the years my definition of “fairytale” had changed.  By the time I was planning my own wedding- all I wanted was the people I love to be well and present at my wedding- that would be my fairytale!  And thank God, not only did I get that but actually much much more (including my little girl dreams)! 

The first time I visited Italy was in 2009 and I fell in love with the city of Florence!  Having not even met my husband then, I couldn’t have even imagined one day getting married in such a magical city.  After many years passing, when we were deciding on where to get married (as we’re from different parts of the world), Florence fitted so magically and logically to our decision.  That city coincidentally ticked all the boxes!  Not only did I not have to force the decision or work hard around it, but also it actually flew so naturally.  Before I knew it, I was in Florence meeting with different wedding planners deciding on whom to choose.

Long story short, after almost a year of planning the wedding & making a couple of trips from Dubai to Florence, I was all ready for my big day!  Family & friends we love flew in from all parts of the world- Toronto, Dubai, Frankfurt, Munich, Bubach, Milan, Bahrain etc.  I woke up really early on the wedding day feeling so blessed.  I skipped to my family’s apartment to have breakfast with them, completely stress free especially after seeing my Dad & Mom followed by my closest family members.  When I found out we had to change plans to an only indoor wedding ceremony because of the rain, that didn’t even bother me because even with a negative point- that too turned into positive later on as my florist did a beautiful job- even better than I had planned for for the outdoors!  In addition, the indoor rooms were so beautiful & much more lavish than the outdoors.  I can’t believe how well that turned out!

The suppliers we used were unbelievably talented and passionate about their work, which completed our dreamy wedding.  My hair & makeup stylist, Giulia Cresci ( did exactly what I wanted and also added such a lovely energy in the bride’s room where my closest friends & family got ready.  

The videographer, Salvatore Benintende hardly made his presence noticeable as he managed to be in all the right places yet without interrupting the wedding party.  

And my florist… by far the loveliest part of planning process for me… did such an amazing masterpiece.  It was such a treat brainstorming with Simona Giordano from Floralia.  She put all my thoughts and ideas together into exactly what kind of flowers, candles, arrangements and centerpieces I wanted.  I ended up trusting her blindly when it came to decorating my princess carriage.  She surprised me with more than I could have asked for!  She gave me that dreamy /romantic “natural” look- my kind of wedding!  

I of course went for Galateo as my caterer.  The aperitifs were extremely yummy and the food was divine.  I decided to go for something different than the ordinary wedding cake- why not put on a show?!  Not only was the cake show entertaining but also it was beyond delicious that we still have people talking about it until now!  Galateo is by far one of the best even when it comes to service.

I had asked my best friend what the most important thing looking back at her wedding was for her and she said “the photographer!”  So I opted for the best in town and that was by far Edoardo Agresti (   His reportage is so unique and he passionately captures the most unexpected intimate moments that at the end he tells the true wedding story.  That was important for me, as I’d love to look back at the real moments like a storybook and not only just at the poses. 

The most important thing for me on my wedding day was to really let go and be stress free no matter what- to enjoy EVERY single moment of it & everyone’s company especially my husband’s.  That’s what really makes one’s big day the best day of your life!  Let go & let God.

Fotografie di Edoardo Agresti e Sergio Buonaiuti



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